<span class="multilang" lang="el">Εισαγωγή στη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων	</span> <span class="multilang" lang="en">Introduction to Management</span>

Introduction to Management

Management as a field of scientific inquiry, as well as every day practice, is particularly important because it is critically associated with the efficient and effective functioning of firms and organizations. As such the main objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic Management principles and functions. Topics include: (a) management fundamentals, (b) analysis of internal and external environment, (c) planning and decision making, (d) organizational architecture, (e) and leadership and human capital.

Course contents

- Fundamental functions of management and managers’ roles. The evolution of management theory
- The organizational and global environment; ethics and social responsibility Managers as decision makers and strategists
- Managing organizational structure; organizational control and culture
- Human resources management and leadership